Feel Again

So I've decided to start naming my blog posts after the song I'm listening to while I'm writing it.  This one is brought to you by One Republic.  Anyway, below is another update of the one person dialogue I've been working on.  The time between the last WIP and this one has been the most challenging so far and has really pushed me to see.  I've been breaking it down into block of 20 frames, getting those frames to look good, then moving on to the next 20 and I must say it's helped tremendously (thanks Mark)!  It's been a lot of back and forth, a lot of deleting keys and seeing what exactly is going on, a lot of doing and undoing, going back to previous iterations, etc. but I'm learning everyday and will have a better idea for my plan of attack the next time I get to this stage, which is what I'm happiest about.  And I have to admit, I think it looks much better after all those nitpicking hours.  I'm about 22 hours in right now, but that's a rough estimate since I wasn't all that great at tracking my hours this past week, oops... hope you enjoy it!


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